NEFC North East False Creek Public Art Plan 2018
pages showing the artist’s research in the NEFC, 2018
excerpted from the Northeast False Creek Public Art Plan, pg 116 - 123
The Northeast False Creek Public Art Plan
Prepared by Cole Projects
for the City of Vancouver Public Arts Program
“ The Northeast False Creek Public Art Plan is one component of many that constitute the Northeast False Creek Area Plan, a comprehensive planning document that will guide future development for Northeast False Creek (NEFC).
Available as a printed publication and for download as a three-part PDF, the NEFC Public Art Plan presents a framework to guide public art commissioning in this area over the next 20 years or more. It was prepared as a reference document intended for City of Vancouver (CoV) cultural planners and programmers, the Public Art Committee (PAC), public art consultants, public art juries, curators, artists, and others who will be involved with public art projects within the area’s boundaries. It introduces a program of public art that supports artists, curators, partner arts organizations, and the communities they engage with to take on active and challenging roles in shaping the public spaces of NEFC.
This plan comprises three parts: Part One compiles excerpts from the NEFC Area Plan that refer directly to arts, culture, and public art. It lists policies relating to public art and program goals. Part Two lays out the approach to public art planning for NEFC and describes the initiatives being proposed. Complementing this section is a selection of artists’ projects created over a number of decades that reflect NEFC’s evolving conditions. Part Three features the work of eight artists who were each invited to create two, two-page spreads as artworks in themselves. These pages introduce seeds of ideas that may unfold over time on the NEFC site and beyond.”
from the Executive Summary, Northeast False Creek Public Art Plan, pg 16 & 17
Print copies are now available. For more information please contact: City of Vancouver, Public Art Program: publicart@vancouver.ca
501 - 111 West Hastings St, Vancouver, BC V6B 1H4