Starting FEBRUARY 14, 2022 — Twenty Guardian Creatures Support Chinatown Shopkeepers 集合二十位守護者支持唐人街店主
You can also collect the Guardian Creatures by visiting participating businesses in Chinatown. Visit these twenty shops and to collect the cards. You can make a number of visits to Chinatown to collect them! 你可以光顧二十間不同的唐人街店鋪,集齊二十張不同的守護者卡片。每次去唐人街,你都可以收集一些!
Directions 活動指南:
1) There are 20 Guardian Creature cards to collect from 20 Chinatown shops. The names of participating shops are listed here: (click button below) 二十張守護者卡片分佈在二十間唐人街店鋪。參與這項活動的二十間店鋪是
2) When collecting a card: Please ask for the card and tip the shopkeeper. Suggested sliding scale tip of $2 to $20 for the card or buy something from the store. 收集卡片時,請向店主提出需要卡片。你有兩種方式獲得卡片:支付一定金額的小費(小費範圍是二元至二十元),或在店内購買物品。
3) When you have collected all 20 cards, you can play the How Water Remembers divination game. 當你集齊二十張不同的守護者卡片時,就可以參與水記得占卜游戲。
4) Download the How Water Remembers Divinations from this webpage:
5) Throughout 2022, Guardian Creature cards will be distributed through the 20 Chinatown shops until cards are all distributed. 二零二二年全年,你都可以在二十間唐人街店鋪集取守護者卡片,直至所有卡片派發完畢。
FEBRUARY 14 to March 14, 2022 at transit shelters
1) Find all ten How Water Remembers Guardian Creatures and win a prize!
尋找水記得 十護衛,贏取獎品!
Ten Guardian Creatures that did live or could live in False Creek have been placed in ten bus shelters across the city for citizens to find and “collect”. The first five people to collect all ten win a set of Guardian Creature Cards that were designed by Laiwan, with illustrations by Karlene Harvey, Marlene Yuen and divination texts by Cindy Mochizuki. The posters will be up February 14- March 14 in celebration of Chinese New Year. Visit other parts of the city during your quest for the creatures.
十護衛都曾在或可在福溪流域栖息。十護衛分佈在城中十個不同的巴士候車亭,你需要尋找並“集取”它們。參與活動並最早集齊十護衛的五名人士,每人均可獲得由藝術家麗雲設計、Karlene Harvey和Marlene Yuen繪圖、Cindy Mochizuki編寫占卜内容的守護者卡片一套。二月十四日至三月十四日,我們將推出活動宣傳海報,慶祝農曆新年。在尋找十護衛的同時,你也可以參觀城中的不同地區。
Directions 活動指南
The Guardian Creatures have been placed at the following bus stops
i. West Pender and Carrall, south east 西片打街夾卡路街,東南角
ii. Clark & East 3rd, north east 克拉克道夾東三街,東北角
iii. Commercial & Napier, north east 金馬素街夾納枇街,東北角
iv. East Broadway & Clark Drive, south east 東百老匯街夾卡拉克道,東南角
v. Fraser & East 23rd, south west 菲沙街夾東二十三街,西南角
vi. East Hastings & Princess, south east 東喜士定街夾公主街,東南角
vii. Nanaimo and East 3rd, south west 乃磨街夾東三街,西南角
viii. East 41st and Nanaimo, north west 東四十一街夾乃磨街,西北角
ix. East 41st & School Ave, south east 東四十一街夾學校街,東南角
x. East 49th & Tyne St, south east 東四十九街夾泰尼街,東南角
1) Visit each guardian creature and take a selfie. You can post it to social and tag @greenestcity @vancouverchinesegarden and @laiwanette. Use the hashtags #sea2city #howwaterremembers 拜訪每一位護衛並與護衛自拍一張。你可以將這張自拍照分享到社交媒體並標記 @greenestcity @vancouverchinesegarden @laiwanette 。請使用熱門話題標簽 #sea2city #howwaterremembers
2) Email all ten selfies to and you will be entered into a draw to win a foodie Chinatown gift card. 將所有十張自拍照通過電子郵件發送至 ,即可參與抽獎,有機會贏取一張唐人街美食禮品卡。
3) Deadline: March 20, 2022 活動截至日期:二零二二年三月二十日
The Great Blue Heron who has settled into a home at the Dr Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden/ Sighted in October, 2021