Story of Dragon Mother & Sínulhḵay̓
The Return of 龍母 [Dragon Mother]
Once upon a time, in the year 2020, the wise 龍母 [Dragon Mother] with her protective power, witnessing human strife and the struggles of the planet, sent 19 guardians to protect our communities, teaching us ways to renew a life-affirming and balanced path.
She approached through the waters of False Creek and through her benevolent mouth she presented 19 guardians to the land that once were mudflats along the False Creek waters and where Chinatown has been blessed through many generations.
The wise 龍母 [Dragon Mother] saw how our waters are rising due to the warming of our planet, and in her beneficent ways teaches us resilience and the good in returning to look after nature, encouraging diverse lives to thrive among our sisters and brothers, pohpohs and gunggungs — of ancestors living among us and found among our planet’s many animals, plants and smallest near-invisible critters.
With this relationship that we build with our 19 guardians, we find a solemn promise (一言九鼎), in the solemnity of our hard survival (九死一生), and the promise of this journey with 龍母 [Dragon Mother], to return to our origins in balanced and fluid relationship (九九歸一).
Visiting us with the wise 龍母 [Dragon Mother] are these 19 guardians of Chinatown:
•Great Blue Heron •Olympia Oyster •Pickleweed - glasswort, saltwort •Western Sandpiper •Lyngbye’s Sedge •Dungeness Crab •River Otter •Biofilm - diatoms •Lewis’s Moon Snail •Moonglow Anemone •Nootka Rose •Oceanspray •Starry Flounder •Pacific Littleneck •Wood Duck Tule •Pacific Herring •Harbour Seal •Sunflower Sea Star
•大藍鷺 •奧林匹亞蠔 •鹽角草 •西濱鷸 •北美薹草 •珍寶蟹 •北美水瀨 •生物膜 •路易斯玉螺 •月光海葵 •努特卡玫瑰 •全盤花 •星斑川鰈 •太平洋小簾蛤 •林鴛鴦 •藨草 •太平洋鲱鱼 •港海豹 •向日葵海星
“na7 tkwi ḵw'ḵwín, ta temíx̱w kwis na kw'áchnexwat ti sti7s, ta x̱i7t-aswit tkwi sínulhḵay̓”
Long ago, the land we see today, was transformed by the Sínulhḵay̓.
⁃ Senáḵw, senaqwila wyss
as told by T’uy’t’tanat- Cease Wyss
Skwx̱wú7mesh storyteller and ethnobotanist
Sínulhḵay̓, the two headed sea serpent is a legendary sea monster that the Skwx̱wú7mesh peoples have shared so many stories with each other and visitors of our lands and waters for centuries. There are many stories of this massive sea serpent traveling above and below the waters and lands.
Skwachays is the original name that was given to what was originally a massive salt water marshland. This area has become transformed into land by settlers intervening and killing off this invaluable wetland site in the past 100+ years in the current time known as Vancouver. This site extends between the area known as False Creek up to what is currently known as Clark Drive, and between the areas of what is currently known as Strathcona Park and North China Creek Park and recently named by developers as the “South Flatz”.
This massive area with all of these uninvited names is what the Skwx̱wú7mesh people still consider to be known as Skwachays. This site was named as such for the tunnels that were made by the Sínulhḵay̓, the two headed sea serpent. That is what Skwachays actually means, “underground tunnels made by the Sínulhḵay̓”.
Our people know that this has always been an active site of the Sínulhḵay̓. This creature has the ability to live underground and create tunnels in order to get from one point to another, with lightning speed.
The two heads each represent the dark and light sides of life, and how they can be seen as teaching us to honour these two sides that each and every one of us is capable of using in our everyday lives.
This is a small teaching of this important legendary beast of my people’s culture and our creations stories are deeply and meaningfully linked to Sínulhḵay̓.
講述者 T’uy’t’tanat- Cease Wyss
Skwx̱wú7mesh原住民 説書人及民族植物學家
儘管有如此多不請自來的名字,這一大片水土,於Skwx̱wú7mesh人民而言 ,依然是Skwachays。這個名字的來由,是雙頭海蛇Sínulhḵay̓在這裏打通地道。Skwachays,意思是 “Sínulhḵay̓創造的地底通道”。